Kansas : 2012 United States Presidential Election
The United States of America Presidential election of 2012 in Arkansas , was won by Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney over his nearest rival Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama by a victory margin of over 21%.
Kansas is located in the Midwestern part of the United States. Eastern Kansas is part of the grain belt. Industrial outputs from the state include Transportation equipment, Aircraft, Oil, Food Processing etc.
Kansas 2012 Presidential Election Results :
For US presidential election of 2012 , Kansas , was considered to be a safe red (Republican) state . Republican party won in Kansas for the past 5 presidential elections with big margins.
Kansas voted heavily Republican throughout its history and can be considered a safe Red state. Kansas population had been traditionally religious people. The population are more conservative compared to the rest of United States.
Kansas Previous Presidential Election Results
Political situation in Kansas in the Year 2012:
1. Kansas has an unemployment rate of 6.2% well below the national average of 8.1%.
2. Governor Brownback eliminated the Kansas Arts Commission, making Kansas the first state without an arts agency.
3. Republicans control both the Governorship and the States Senate and House of Representatives.
Population by Race in Kansas : Year 2010
2012 Presidential Election by State |