Presidential Election of 1980

In the United States of America Presidential Election of 1980, Republican Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan swept the election results with a victory margin of over 9%.
Weak US economy, Iran hostage crisis helped Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan to win the 1980 election by a landslide.

1980 Presidential Election Results

Ronald ReaganRepublican Party
Jimmy CarterDemocratic Party

1980 presidential election results

Political situation during election of 1980:

1. Iran hostage Crisis : 52 Americans held hostage for more than a year by supporters of Iranian Revolution.
2. Weak US Economy.
3. Cold War Continues.

Close States (margin<6%):

Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin

Population by Race for the United States : Year 1980

1980 united states race diversity

Presidential Candidates for the Election of 1980 :

Biography of Ronald Reagan (Republican presidential candidate):

Occupation: Writer, public speaker, commentator on public affairs and policy.
Occupational Background: Began film and television career in 1937 that extended into .the 1960's. Six tiines elected President of Screen Actor's Guild union; board member 16 years. Former President Motion Picture Industry Council and member of council's Board of Directors for 10 years.
Educational Background: B.A. in Economics and Sociology; Eureka College, Eureka, Illinois.
Prior Govt Experience: Governor of California 1966-1970. Re-elected and served from 1970-1974.

Biography of George S McGovern (Democratic presidential candidate):

Occupation: President of the United States.
Occupational Background: U.S. Navy (Engineer); Farmer and Small Business Owner; State Senator; Governor.
Educational Background: Plains, Georgia Public Schools; Georgia Southwestern College; Georgia Institute of Technology; U.S. Naval Academy, B.S.; Union College, postgraduate work.
Prior Govt Experience: Elected Chairman, Sumter County School Board; elected to Georgia State Senate; elected Governor of Georgia.

State Details 1980