Presidential Election of 2004

In the United States of America Presidential election of 2004, Republican presidential candidate George W Bush won the election results with a victory margin of over 2%.
George W Bush's strong position against terrorism and his standing for moral values in society, helped him to win the 2004 election. Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, focus on economy and his stand against Iraq War was not well recieved.

2004 Presidential Election Results

George W BushRepublican Party
Al GoreDemocratic Party

2004 presidential election results

Political situation during election of 2004:

1. Heavy US casualities in Iraq War.
2. US Economy recover's.
3. Al Queda terrorist's attack World Trade Center killing more than 3000 people. 3. First Election after 9/11.

Close States (margin<6%):

Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

Population by Race for the United States : Year 2000

2000 united states race diversity

Presidential Candidates for the Election of 2004 :

Biography of George W Bush ( Republican party presidential candidate):

Occupation: President of the United States.
Occupational Background: F-102 Pilot,Texas Air National Guard; CEO,Bush Exploration; Senior Adviser to 1988 Bush Presidential Campaign; Managing General Partner, Texas Rangers Baseball Team Educational Background: Yale University, BA; Harvard University, M.BA .
Prior Governmental Experience: Governor of Texas

Biography of John Kerry ( Democratic party presidential candidate ):

Occupation: United States Senator
Occupational Background: United States Navy, 1966-1970; Assistant District Attorney,Middlesex County, Massachusetts, 1976-1979; Attorney, 1979-1982; Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor, 1983-1984; United States Senator, 1985-present.
Educational Background: Yale University, BA; Boston College LawSchool; J.D.
Prior Governmental Experience: Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor, 1983-1984;キ Un,ited States Senator, 1985-present.

State Details 2004